Reusable Crayons

Joshua has so many crayons I don’t know what to do with them all.  I try to be a clutter free person, but I also don’t want to be wasteful. I was in Josh’s closet organizing when I came across two medium sized plastic bins of crayons.  I didn’t want to throw them away, so I decided to reinvent them and give them away.

I got the idea from  I melted the crayons into bunnies.  The pictures above do not give these cute crayons justice.    I also found a mold for a chocolate bunny  and that gave me an idea.  Josh cannot eat the chocolate bunnies because of allergies. so I made him a big crayon bunny.

I started to cut the crayons down with a knife, but I found it was easier to shave the crayons with a potato peeler.

I put the silicone mold in the oven at 210 degrees for 15 min.  I put the giant bunny in the microwave for 2 min.

I let them cool for about 20 mins.

The kiddos will love them!

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